Sunday, June 20, 2010

Day 6

Saturday seemed to come so quickly!!! This morning, Chad and I woke up at 6 am to go to the balloon festival for their flights in. The balloons would fly in and throw at multiple targets for points...there was a target in a pond and a few on the field. At first, we thought it would be about 20 balloons, but there were 50!! What a sight!!! We talked with someone who said the festival in Sante Fe had over 700 balloons!! We took 200 pictures, so here are just a few...

They almost touched!!

The Yellow balloon on the right looks like the one we were engaged in!

Chad's favorite

We are going to make this on into a puzzle!!!

Touching the water for points

We had a great time!!

Ty enters the waters...covered in spf 100!!!

He has grown so much on this trip!!!

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