Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Adam with the McMillens

One of our annual traditions is to have the McMillens over for Christmas Adam.  This year, to reward Brenly for getting all green stars at school, we met at Incredible Pizza for dinner and played every game they had.  Then we made the trip to Olive Branch and opened presents!  The girls were having the best day ever - pizza, games AND presents!!

Baylee's first sleep over!!

Miller Christmas Talent Show 2009..partial

I am so far behind with my entries for Christmas.  We had our annual Miller Christmas Talent Show and the girls (Maggie and Baylee) were a hit.  For some reason, I did not push record on my video camera, but I have a cousin that hopefully recorded it that will send it to me!!!  I was so disappointed when I transferred video over and did not see it.  I was so into watching them that I didn't push record!!!!!  I am preggers for sure - mind and body.  I do however have the dress rehearsal in Nashville, so if all else fails, I can post that one!!!!

Chad did get Baylee and I doing a tribute to Memaw - my sweet grandmother.  I have pictures of her and I singing this song with all the motions before she passed and I have taught it to Baylee.  Take a peek.....

Monday, December 14, 2009

Santa Christmas Cookie - Dry Run

Tonight - fever and all, we decided to try our Christmas cookies - a dry run for Santa. Baylee did so good and loved feeling the dough. We made candy canes, gingerbread men, and her favorite Bob and Larry. They tasted pretty good, but lost their shape when they cooked. We need to make them thinner next time!!!!

Santa Time

We have seen Santa twice already this year, but she still hasn't warmed up to the idea that he is friendly. We went last week to the Collierville mall and again at the Alpine Christmas Village - we did at least get a picture with somewhat of a smile.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Opryland Hotel

We couldn't go to Nashville without seeing the Opryland Hotel decorated for Christmas. On our way out of town today, we stopped to walk around. Baylee loved the hot air balloons and the boat ride. So glad we took the time to see everything! What a weekend!

Nativity Scene

Saturday in Nashville

Saturday started out with Maggie's birthday party at the YMCA with bubbles, games and a big jumpy house that all the kids loved. Later that day, we piled in the car early to go to the Rockettes ----not early enough. We were caught in traffic just to turn off the Opryland exit for 1 1/2 hours. We didn't make it to the 5:00 show, so we exchanged our tickets for the 8:00 and took some time in the Opry Mills Mall. The girls were pleased since they got to ride the Merry Go Round!

Nashville Ice

This past Friday, we took off to Nashville for a packed weekend. Friday night, we met up with CC and D and Maggie to go to Charlie Brown "ICE" and it was so good! Last year, we went when it was the Gringe the Stole Christmas but we enjoyed this year even more. Baylee had just watched "A Charlie Brown Christmas" before we left. Take a peek....

Getting ready to enter

The ice slides were the best! Maggie, Baylee and Chad loved it!

It ended with an Ice Nativity

Alpine Christmas Village

A new tradition has begun for the Deaton family. This year, Kim introduced us to the Alpine Christmas village at Trinity Baptist Church in Cordova. They decorate the entire gym like a village with various little shops that house activities for the kids. They had a toy shop, ornament shop, candy store, book store and the kids loved it.

Baylee talking to one of the wisemen

She loved the "snow." It was everywhere by the time we got home!

Friday, December 4, 2009

"Big Girl Room Whole Time"

Baylee has transitioned to her big girl bed this week. She started taking naps there during Thanksgiving and has been sleeping there every night this week. I can't believe she went along so easy! The first few nights she was crying for her "little bed" but after a few minutes when she realized she was not going to win the fight, she was fine. She wakes up saying "big girl bed whole time."

It was bittersweet to change her clothes and things over to her big girl room. I still remember putting her to sleep in her crib for the first time.....the time has flown by......

Introducing her to her big girl room last Friday

Her first time taking a nap in the big girl room!