Saturday, January 31, 2009
Snow Day
Olive Branch got a little dusting of snow the other day and we took advantage of it! We got Baylee all bundled up for about 5 minutes outside... the snow covered the ground but as soon as you walked in it, it was gone! Baylee enjoyed it and even got to taste snow for the first time. I think she liked it....she even said please to get it!

Ride a little horsey
Baylee loves her own language of course. At times, she will walk and talk randomly, sometimes she is holding the phone talking - either way Chad and I just play along, nodding our heads. For Christmas, Baylee received a rocking horse and this clip begins with her telling him a secret and scratching his ear (as if he is Colby,) and then she is off to the races!!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
A concert pianist
CC and D gave Baylee a small piano for Christmas and Baylee loves it! She will bang on it for several minutes, then change positions and begin to play it with her feet. We finally caught her on video playing the piano with her bottom! My creative it too early for piano lessons?
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Today we were trying to decide where we could go with the girls to have some fun. First, we thought we would try Incredible Pizza but there was a line all the way outside to get in!! Then, we drove to Chucky Cheese, but we couldn't find a parking place. We finally decided to go to the Wolfchase is rare that we are out in Cordova!! We had so much fun riding the merry-go-'round! Baylee and Maggie were skeptical at first, but by the end of the ride, they were wanting to ride again and again. Thank you CC and D for taking us to the mall! We had a blast!

Baylee picked the big blue seahorse on the fourth time we rode!! CC could barely get her on it!
The girls rode the train too!
As soon as the train took off, Baylee fell to the floor and was pretty content staying there for the whole ride. Chad later explained to me that I should have put her on the same side as Maggie to prevent her from falling and went into the whole physics explanation of inertia...........whatever!!!
Friday, January 23, 2009
65 degrees in January
Today was a gorgeous day for January! Earlier this week it was snowing and today it was 65 degrees! When we got home from Nana's, we had to go outside to play. Of course, Baylee and I play the "I'm gonna get you" running game and I love how Baylee turns to make sure I am still coming to get her! Oh how I will treasure these moments... I have always heard that when you have a child, the love you feel is so unconditional, which directly parallels the love the Father has for His children. While Baylee and I were playing, it reminded me of how so many times we "run" in our own direction, still looking over our shoulder to see if God is still with us. He is always there, loving unconditionally, waiting for us to turn around~
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Baylee and the Ball pit
Baylee has had so much fun in her ball pit from Santa! She dives in head first at times, throws the balls, kicks the balls, and crawls through the dog's mouth, which makes all the balls go everywhere...but then she picks up the balls! This weekend, Maggie, my niece from Nashville, was able to enjoy the ball pit! The girls had a blast! We love playing with you Maggie! I posted a few of the pics from this weekend and a few from last week when Baylee was playing. Of course, all the pics are on the gallery (see link to left.)
Baylee going head first!
just relaxing!
Monday, January 12, 2009
Ring Around the Roses
CC and Baylee always have so much fun together! I took this video awhile back, but I laugh every time I watch it. Baylee tends to arch her back to "fall down" long before it is time and in this particular clip, she can barely get back up....too funny!
Charleston Weekend

Nancy and Frederick got married and it was a wonderful weekend. I was so thrilled to be a part of such an amazing time. Of course, Chad decided to get the stomach virus while on the plane to Charleston....(see previous entry as to how he could have contracted the virus from Baylee)..and I had a scare the actual day of the wedding, but thanks to those of you who sent up some prayers, Chad and I both made it to the wedding and had a wonderful time!
Wednesday, January 7, 2009 not read if have weak stomach
I was going to ask Chad to write this post as he has had quite a time with Baylee in the last 24 hours, but just thinking about it makes him dry heave. You did read the warning, right? Ok, so here goes.....
I finally schedule an appointment to get my hair cut so Chad was on duty to pick up Baylee from Nana's and provide daddy lovin' and dinner for Baylee. He picks her up from Nana's and she is acting fine and then about 4:30 when they arrive at home, she starts to get a little fussy. Being the concerned and compassionate daddy as Chad is, he picks Baylee up into his arms and begins to ask her, "Baylee, tell Daddy what is wrong? What is it Bay, tell Daddy." As the words are coming out of his mouth, she tells him what is wrong as she projectile vomits right in his face....his mouth (i warned you!) and all over his clothes, her clothes, the den rug and her precious little chair. YUK!! My phone rings as I am relaxing at the beauty salon....Chad leaves a message, his voice shaking from concern for his daughter and disgust from what just occurred in his mouth.
I get the voice mail as I am driving home, frantic as we are to leave town for Nancy's wedding this Thursday (my best friend from college.) The plan was to leave Baylee with my parents but no one needs to care for a sick child except her parents!!
I begin to panic about work because I am already cramming in 5 days of patients into 4 cause I am off on Friday and there is no way I can cancel. My amazing husband comes to the rescue and was able to get off work. All three of us pile in the bed with towels and buckets and washcloths as our child does her best to expel all that is in her and finally passes out...she did give us a scare earlier in the night as I did think she was on her way to getting dehydrated, but she came through and drank a little water, which only came up later. Chad offered to sleep with her as I moved on to the guest room...(i have it really good, I know.) I wake up this morning to a very sleepy husband and child.
The good news is she has slept on and off most of the day and has not had an 'episode' since 4 a.m. and currently, I am looking into her blues and beginning to see life again, her pale cheeks now have color and she is smiling at me as if she knows I am writing about her....she is a smart one.
Thanks for reading this blog and to all the daddys out there...Chad has you beat!!!
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Saying Please
Baylee has been saying please for some time now and I finally got it on video. She sounds like she is hissing like a snake and the hands to her chest is her version of sign language....too funny!! Of course, she is saying please to get some pound cake!
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