Saturday, August 22, 2009

Pee Pee on the Potty

I am stunned!!! We have been talking about pee pee on the potty with Baylee for many many weeks and sitting her on the potty several times a week. Tonight, all of sudden, she says "pee pee" (which she has said before with no results!) and sits on the potty and does we are thinking she is just playing a game.

We take a bath and we try again.............and ta-da!!!! My little girl goes pee pee on the potty! Chad and I start dancing and singing "pee pee on the pot-ty, pee pee on the pot-ty" and Baylee is laughing away! Oh please Lord, let this continue!!!!!!!! How great would this be to have my 2 year old potty trained soon!!!

1 comment:

  1. Praying that tonight is the first of many "peepee on the potty" dances for the two of you! Maybe she just needed her aunT to talk to her...It worked didn't it? I'm just sayin..
